Our Goal and Mission
Our primary goal and mission at Local WP Host is to create accessible free content, guides, and reviews to help you find the best domain registrar and WordPress host for your individual needs.
We know there is a lot of information on the web, so we create the best free guides, resources, and reviews to help your search.
At Local WP Host, we are a team of creators that actually use, or have used the WordPress hosts and domain registrars we write about.
We aim to bring you all the lessons and tips we have learned over the years, so you don’t have to make the same mistakes when choosing the best WordPress host.
Our Mission is to Give You;
– The best free resources, reviews, and guides that will help you when looking to start and run your website.
– A one-stop shop to help you find the best WordPress host and domain registrar for your own individual situation.
– The website you can rely on for free, accurate, and reliable reviews of the best domain registrars and WordPress hosts.